Doug McClain has worked to create a better life for people in need
through his medical research for many years, placing most of his focus
on chronic illnesses. He has also been responsible for advising other
researchers on the best practices to follow within the immunotherapy
field and has identified the following traits that make a person suited
to a career as a researcher.
An Analytical Mind
A good researcher needs to be able to look at a data set and both make sense of it and consider the usefulness of the information that they have been presented with. They must also be able to carefully consider the methods they use and constantly ask questions in order to foster improvement or create new hypotheses that could lead to breakthroughs.
Attention To Detail
If a researcher fails to pay attention to the little things, they will often find that oversights or miscalculations lead to their research being completely disregarded or invalid. An eye for detail and the ability to spot errors or issues with the research before they manifest themselves is crucial if you want to enjoy a long career in medical research.
Doug McClain knows that committing yourself to a cause is crucial if you are going to keep plugging away at the research required in order to reach your goals. Medical research of any kind can be demoralizing, particular if an experiment proves to be fruitless after you have put a lot of work into it. You need to be able to keep yourself motivated and strive towards the goals you aim to achieve through your work.

A good researcher needs to be able to look at a data set and both make sense of it and consider the usefulness of the information that they have been presented with. They must also be able to carefully consider the methods they use and constantly ask questions in order to foster improvement or create new hypotheses that could lead to breakthroughs.
Attention To Detail
If a researcher fails to pay attention to the little things, they will often find that oversights or miscalculations lead to their research being completely disregarded or invalid. An eye for detail and the ability to spot errors or issues with the research before they manifest themselves is crucial if you want to enjoy a long career in medical research.
Doug McClain knows that committing yourself to a cause is crucial if you are going to keep plugging away at the research required in order to reach your goals. Medical research of any kind can be demoralizing, particular if an experiment proves to be fruitless after you have put a lot of work into it. You need to be able to keep yourself motivated and strive towards the goals you aim to achieve through your work.