Monday, 30 November 2015

Doug McClain - Working with Living Word Ministries

Doug McClain has always had a deep desire to help people. He began fulfilling this desire in 1969, when he was a football player for Georgia Institute of Technology. McClain's pull to helping people was so strong that he switched his focus, and his college, to Christian ministry. He decided to instead pursue majors in the Aramaic and Hebrew languages and then begin traveling the world to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He did this through a Christian humanitarian organization known as Living Word Ministries. While working with Living Word Ministries, McClain traveled to nearly 70 countries in order to help those in need. Through Living Word Ministries, McClain helped improve the agricultural development of small communities. He also helped provide these communities with clean water, proper irrigation and much-needed medical health care. 

Doug McClain
Doug McClain

Doug McClain credits Living Word Ministries for helping him find himself and decide what he truly wanted to do with his life. In addition to traveling aid, Living Word Ministries offers Bible studies, Christian conferences and other tours, classes and resources to better spread the word of Jesus Christ. They are dedicated to exploring Bible prophecies and teaching the Bible to any who are interested. The organization teaches the belief that the Bible in its entirety is inspired by the word and work of God. Living Word Ministries also teaches that, by examining the Bible prophecies and applying them to current events, believers can find their own truth by studying the word and works of God. McClain has continued to live by these principles for the breadth of his life and, though his attention is now focused on furthering immunotherapy medicine, he still spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a daily basis.