Thursday, 3 March 2016

Doug McClain - Helpful Tips For Adoptive Parents

Having helped raise 13 children during the course of his life, helping to raise them all into healthy and happy adults, Doug McClain feels he is well placed to offer advice to other people who are considering adoption. It can be a fairly scary prospect, especially if you have never adopted before, so the following tips should help you make you adopted child feel like part of the family.

Doug McClain

Find Out What They Are Used To
Depending on the age of the child being adopted, they may already have set routines or an established way of life that they are fairly comfortable with. Breaking this routine entirely may lead to confusion and anger, so try to discover the things they enjoyed in their previous household and focus your care on that while also bringing whatever else you can to the table.

Always Be Available To Talk
Eventually you are going to have to tell your child they are adopted, which is a difficult period in the relationship no matter how well it is handled. It is important to remember that the aftercare period is just as important as you will need to be able to help your adopted child deal with the confusion, anger and potential feeling of abandonment they may be feeling following the revelation. Make it clear to your child that you are always available if they need somebody to talk to about anything.

Be Patient
If you are adopting an older child, you are often going to find that they have difficulty adjusting, no matter how well you try to emulate aspects of their previous life. Doug McClain points out that it occasionally takes time to form a loving relationship with your new child, so exercise patience and do what you can to make the transition as simple as possible.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Doug McClain - Reasons A Clinical Trial May Fail

During the course of his career as a medical researcher Doug McClain has seen a number of clinical trials fail for various reasons. This is always demoralizing, particularly if your initial research appeared to demonstrate that a positive conclusion could be reached, and he has highlighted all of the following as potential reasons for why this may happen.

Doug McClain Human Error

It is always possible that a human error that was committed during the research that led to the trial could lead to its downfall. While this can sap motivation, it is also important to realize that such errors can be corrected if you know where to look, so it is sometimes possible to run the trial again using correct data, which may provide a more positive result.

Enrollment Problems

If the clinical trial carries a certain amount of risk, it may be difficult to enroll enough candidates to create a viable study group. In other cases, it may be difficult to retain a group of participants if the demands being placed on them are too great or little progress appears to be made with the trial. This can be combated by providing detailed information about the purpose of the trial and ensuring that all participants have the support they need at all times.

Poor Feasibility Studies

Before you can run your clinical trial, Doug McClain points out that you need to consider a variety of factors from the site you are going to use through to the budget that you have to run the trial. Failure to create a good feasibility study based around these factors may lead to issues mid-way through the trial that result in its cancellation and failure.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Doug McClain - Traits of a Good Researcher

Doug McClain has worked to create a better life for people in need through his medical research for many years, placing most of his focus on chronic illnesses. He has also been responsible for advising other researchers on the best practices to follow within the immunotherapy field and has identified the following traits that make a person suited to a career as a researcher.

An Analytical Mind

A good researcher needs to be able to look at a data set and both make sense of it and consider the usefulness of the information that they have been presented with. They must also be able to carefully consider the methods they use and constantly ask questions in order to foster improvement or create new hypotheses that could lead to breakthroughs.

Attention To Detail

If a researcher fails to pay attention to the little things, they will often find that oversights or miscalculations lead to their research being completely disregarded or invalid. An eye for detail and the ability to spot errors or issues with the research before they manifest themselves is crucial if you want to enjoy a long career in medical research.


Doug McClain knows that committing yourself to a cause is crucial if you are going to keep plugging away at the research required in order to reach your goals. Medical research of any kind can be demoralizing, particular if an experiment proves to be fruitless after you have put a lot of work into it. You need to be able to keep yourself motivated and strive towards the goals you aim to achieve through your work.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Doug McClain - How To Tell A Child They Are Adopted

While adopting a child can provide a parent with many joys throughout the course of their life, Doug McClain also understands the fear and trepidation that can come with the task of telling the child they are adopted. It is a difficult situation for all involved, but by following these pointers you will be able to make it easier to handle and can continue providing the love and support the child has come to expect.

Don’t Leave It to Late

In the majority of cases, it is best to tell a child that they have been adopted fairly early on in their lives, rather than waiting until they have started to mature. Wait until they are around 6-8 years old, which outs them at an age where they will be able to understand the concept without leaving them feeling as though they have been living a false life by not having been told early enough.

Don’t Treat It Like a Dirty Word
You should be very open and clear about adoption when you make the choice to tell the child. Do not treat it as some something that needs to be hushed up and hidden away, as this will only contribute to feelings of rejection and distrust that can build over time. Instead, be open to answering any questions the child may have at any time and be sure to provide them with support whenever they need it.

Explain How Loved They Are
Doug McClain notes that it is perfectly natural for a child to become confused or angry upon receiving the news that they were adopted, so it is crucial that the parent reinforces the fact that they love the child and that they are a part of the family.

Describe how excited you were when you made the choice to adopt and how proud you are of the person they are developing into. In short, do whatever you can to show the child that they are loved and help them to navigate the feelings they experience upon being told.

Monday, 8 February 2016

. Doug McClain - Vanguard Christian Institute

Vanguard Christian Institute has turned out some of the finest Christian leaders since its founding in 1985. With the help of supporters like Doug McClain, an immunotherapy researcher with a heart for charity, the school has been able to thrive and become the institute for excellence that it is today.

                                Doug McClain

The mission of Vanguard is simple. To raise up Christian leaders who strive to learn and remain dedicated in their faith. The school is always looking for young people who desire to step away from the norm of the world and who are willing to go against the crowd to do what they know to be right. They believe that God calls upon youth to be Vanguards and when the call is answered amazing things can happen. Graduates from Vanguard have gone on to become business managers, teachers, military, ministers, civil engineers, medical students, and homeschooling mothers invested in their children's education. Many Vanguards choose careers in service where they can emulate Christ's love for others and over 95% of graduates go on to attend college. 

Supporting Vanguard through the Booster Club is an excellent way to offer support and help with fundraising activities for the school. Doug McClean enjoys sharing his success by supporting Vanguard financially. These gifts help to ensure that the best Christian education is offered to students and a future generation of Christian professionals are well equipped for the business world. Support can also be offered by proving volunteer assistance and by promoting positive events that enrich the community as well as the student body. Providing support to the students, teachers, and families of Vanguard shows God's love and a true spirit of generosity.


Monday, 1 February 2016

Doug McClain - Ministry in the Business world

Christian business owners and employees are often met with conflicting values and business practices in their work. Doug McClain, Christian medical researcher and businessman, began his career in a Christian organization and has since branched out to the medical field. As many who share religious values that may not be associated with their work, McClain knows there is a line with what he can speak about with patients but he chooses to show God's love in other ways.

Doug McClain Showing the love of Christ may not always mean speaking about your faith directly to others. Living a Christian life and speaking with compassion, genuinely caring about others, and helping your fellow man shows Christ's love to others and can often be the best testament of Christ possible. Sometimes these methods also lead to genuine conversations about one's cheerful attitude and personal beliefs.

As a Christian, some of the best ways to show your faith to others is how you present yourself in the workplace. Keep in mind that your job is a gift from God! Without it, you would not have a roof over your head and the ability to care for your family. Treating coworkers, clients, and those in authority with respect can be trying at times, but also a wonderful representation of Christ. Keeping the big picture in mind can make the trivial things in life just become background noise that can be overcome. Doug McClain enjoys serving others through his work in medicine and staying joyful no matter the circumstance.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Doug McClain - Biotechnology professional

McClain’s employer is a clinic and research facility that focuses on the patient as a whole and the unique biological response of his or her immune system to ward of disease. Doug McClain, Chief research Coordinator at his firm, knows all too well the importance of this individualized approach to immunotherapy and travels around the world teaching immunotherapy protocol to fellow researchers. This immune system uses the body's biological defense mechanism to defeat pathogens such as bacteria or virus, cancers, fungus, and parasites. This approach to medicine uses the body's immune system to enhance or suppress the response to pathogens and mutations such as cancer in order to protect the body from disease. Immunotherapy is a form of treatment that is beneficial to the host because it offers relief with minimal side effects.

Doug McClain Since the inception of his firm, the company has seen a number of great breakthroughs in the research and development of immunotherapy treatment such as biological response modifiers and immunomodulators that have dramatically changed the course of chronic illness and degenerative diseases. These treatments bring new life to the body's own defense mechanisms and allow for the patient to fight pathogens naturally.

Doug McClain is a strong believer in the work his company does for those who are sick with incurable diseases. His current focus is on diseases such as diabetes and psoriasis, MS and other autoimmune conditions, but he has hopes of helping in the fight against cancer with his work as well. Making breakthroughs in medicine and treatment methods is one way to work toward finding a cure. McClain is hopeful for the advancement of immunotherapy and what these techniques have to offer patients in the near future.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Doug McClain - Immunotherapy Research

Immunotherapy research is helpful in the treatment of many diseases. Doug McClain is a Chief Research Coordinator for a top biotech firm, and works with researchers in developing immunotherapy protocols around the world. He has seen many promising leads over his years with the company and has helped to develop a protocol that will optimize the field of immunotherapy as a whole.

Doug McClain

Immunotherapy treatment is becoming a vital point in the fight against many currently incurable diseases such as cancer. The immune system has a natural defense that detects and destroys cells that are abnormal that could develop into diseases such as cancer. Although, some diseases are able to avoid detection and can bypass the immune system's natural defense. The rapidly evolving field of immunotherapy has led the way to numerous clinical trials and treatments that provide new hope to those who are suffering from diseases that have yet to find a cure. These treatments can aid in increasing the strength of immune responses in combating serious diseases and combat and signals produced by a disease that may be suppressing immune responses.

Doug McClain has witnessed many advances in medicine since he began working in immunotherapy work over the past several decades. Having a better understanding of a disease and how it is infecting the host has been highly beneficial throughout many case studies McClain has taken part in over the years. With his great success in the field, McClain hopes to one day not only increase the level of comfort and care provided to those infected but to also help find a cure for diseases that are currently only able to be slowed or maintained.