Friday, 18 December 2015

Doug McClain - About Psoriasis

Doug McClain is a Christian businessman who has been helping people through his humanitarian efforts, and now his medical efforts, for his entire life. He touched thousands of lives when he traveled the world with Living Word Ministries and, when he wanted to settle down in Texas, he began helping thousands more people suffering from chronic immune disorders. McClain helps these people through his developments in immunotherapy treatments. Though most immunotherapy studies is focused on developing cancer-specific treatments, McClain is working to fight chronic immune disorders like psoriasis. Through immunotherapy, McClain hopes to one day be able to treat and relieve psoriasis. 

Doug McClain
Doug McClain

Psoriasis is an immune-related skin disease that causes inflammation, scaling, swelling and pain on the skin. This happens because the normal 4-week process of skin cell growth and replacement happens in just a couple days in those with psoriasis. The outbreaks are painful and embarrassing, and they are most common on the knees, elbows, legs, lower back, palms, soles of the feet and face. In severe cases or flare ups, psoriasis patches can even appear inside of the mouth, on genitalia and on the fingernails or toenails.

The reason that the body reacts this way when it has psoriasis is because of an immune dysfunction that causes T cells—a type of white blood cells—to be put into action when it is not necessary. The T cells result in the fast skin cell turnover and, thus, psoriasis patches. Doug McClain and his team  hope to use immunotherapeutic treatment to halt the unnecessary action of T cells in order to provide relief for psoriasis sufferers.

Monday, 30 November 2015

Doug McClain - Working with Living Word Ministries

Doug McClain has always had a deep desire to help people. He began fulfilling this desire in 1969, when he was a football player for Georgia Institute of Technology. McClain's pull to helping people was so strong that he switched his focus, and his college, to Christian ministry. He decided to instead pursue majors in the Aramaic and Hebrew languages and then begin traveling the world to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He did this through a Christian humanitarian organization known as Living Word Ministries. While working with Living Word Ministries, McClain traveled to nearly 70 countries in order to help those in need. Through Living Word Ministries, McClain helped improve the agricultural development of small communities. He also helped provide these communities with clean water, proper irrigation and much-needed medical health care. 

Doug McClain
Doug McClain

Doug McClain credits Living Word Ministries for helping him find himself and decide what he truly wanted to do with his life. In addition to traveling aid, Living Word Ministries offers Bible studies, Christian conferences and other tours, classes and resources to better spread the word of Jesus Christ. They are dedicated to exploring Bible prophecies and teaching the Bible to any who are interested. The organization teaches the belief that the Bible in its entirety is inspired by the word and work of God. Living Word Ministries also teaches that, by examining the Bible prophecies and applying them to current events, believers can find their own truth by studying the word and works of God. McClain has continued to live by these principles for the breadth of his life and, though his attention is now focused on furthering immunotherapy medicine, he still spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a daily basis.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Doug McClain - Adoption : Giving Children a Family

Doug McClain has dedicated his life to helping people and to doing the work of God. When he decided that it was time to add to his family, he did it in the most loving way possible: Adoption. McClain opened himself to God’s will when he began his quest for adoption, but he never anticipated what he would find. McClain chanced upon three young siblings who needed an adoptive home to remove them from a dangerous living situation. In order to keep the siblings together and to spread as much generous love as possible, he adopted all three children. Everyone in the situation is working to adjust to their new family and the siblings will always have each other to make the acclimation process easier.

Doug McClain
Doug McClain

Doug McClain was overwhelmed with joy when he learned that he would be able to adopt all three children and that joy has yet to subside. He had already wanted to provide a child with a caring and loving living situation, and instead he was able to do that for three children. He is now doing everything he can to transform his home into what the children need. From sharing his faith with the children to enjoying memorable moments with them, McClain has been doing everything he can to let the siblings know that they are now part of a safe and accepting family. Adoptive parents like Doug McClain typically agree that, apart from the wonders of becoming a parent, giving a child or children a home is one of the strongest joys of adopting.